18 mai 2012
Hyperion to a Satyr : III.ii. Critical Reception
The scene's final sequence concerns reactions less to the play than about everyone's reactions about the play. Hamlet wants to know if...
11 mai 2012
Women's Hockey Life : Université de Moncton Hosts Athletic Gala
As always, at the end of every season Université de Moncton hosts an Athletic Gala to honor the student athletes and...
5 mai 2012
Siskoid Radio: Geek Out! - May 5th
"If you've got a zombie killing kit in the house because, well, ya never know, you might be a geek..."
Season finale! It's a big day: Free Comic Book Day, Cinco de...
2 mai 2012
Geeks and a Girl : Movie Premieres
I love movie premieres. I’m a big fan of them and I go as often as I possibly can. And if you’re wondering, yes I am one of those lunatics that are sitting/standing for 6 hours before the movie...
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